🌹 Twelve Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan - 25 🌹
🌴 The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution 🌴
🌻 The Final Battle - 2 🌻
49. The Titans entered the battle. Giants suckled by the darkness were trying to slay these Good Titans, which had been raised by Mother Earth herself. But while in contact with the Earth they seemed invincible, drawing tremendous strength from native soil. The battle raged on.
50. Erelong, the Earth opened wide beneath the feet of these malicious giant sorcerers, swallowing them up in turbulent streams of fiery lava.
As a true Mother, she went to join the fray of battle, heroically defending her Sons of Light. And now, as her ground shuddered with indignation, she literally exploded with thousands of volcanoes that began to speak.
And many sorcerer of black magic were buried alive beneath the volcanic soil. For long millennia they had become fossilized as stone, transformed into mountains...
51. The Sons of Light were victorious. Yet many of the enemy forces still lay concealed, using their knowledge of black magic.
Furious with rage, under the will of the Lord of the Darkness, they were determined to avenge their rout by blowing up the planet. But the Earth had become unsuitable for the machinations of evil, as her soil, absorbing the Light, threw off the pretensions of the darkness.
The planet had to pay dearly for her Choice of Light. And the price of atonement allotted to her was death. At this point, however, the Gods intervened.
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#ChaitanyaVijnanam #PrasadBhardwaj #చైతన్యవిజ్ఞానం #BookofDzyan #Theosophy
28 Aug 2020
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