Soul Journey Secrets 2 : Avoid Ego (Youtube Shorts)

On the spiritual journey, pride can block progress. Many mistake fleeting spiritual experiences for full realization.

Prasad Bharadwaj

Soul Journey Secrets 2 : Metaphor of Dawn & Noon (Youtube Shorts)

Dawn is the beginning of spiritual insight; noon represents full enlightenment. Don't mistake the morning light for the midday sun.

Prasad Bharadwaj

Soul Journey Secrets 2 : Humility & Silence (Youtube Shorts)

Humility keeps you grounded, while inner silence helps connect with the deeper self. Both are crucial to avoid ego and foster growth.

Prasad Bharadwaj

Soul Journey Secrets 2 : Continuous Growth (Youtube Shorts)


Spiritual realization is not a one-time event; it's a progressive journey. Stay humble, be silent, and keep evolving.

Prasad Bharadwaj