🌹 Twelve Stanzas from the Book of Dzyan - 29 🌹
🌴 The Prophetic Record of Human Destiny and Evolution 🌴
🌻 The Final Battle - 6 🌻
59. Yet another wave of Light, now with even greater force, hit right at the root of the darkness’ foundations, exposing the human situation in all its horror. Many had been blinded by the Bright Light and could no longer discern the false brilliance of earthly treasures.
The material world, with its innumerable perishable trinkets, no longer held any attraction. Losing sight of earthly things, the Eye opened up to the Heavenly Realm — thebboundless space of Imperishable Beauty, brimming with countless treasures, each with its own special charm. And all of them belonged to man.
Thus perished another cell of the Matter-Gorgon, being transformed into the marvellous Light of Illumination. The beast had finally lost her last number and dissolved into the Fires of the Soul of Born- again Man...
Thus the beast ultimately perished, but only after giving birth to the New Man who, casting off his human skin, would ascend as a shining Spirit and stand beside the Sons of God.
60. The Gods had witnessed everything that was taking place in the world. With their ability to behold multiple images simultaneously, they succeeded in perceiving everything that was occurring in all the layers of the Earth, starting from her bowels right up to the innumerable spheres which stretch into the Infinite Ocean of Eternity.
Humanity was uniting under the Banner of Light. It was resonating with the Fires of the Heart.
But among them, the servants of darkness were darting to and for more furiously than ever, hunting for those who had maintained their spiteful stoniness of heart... But those who had arisen from the ashes were already ascending the radiant Stairs to the Stars.
Above them shone more powerful Spirits, taking on the appearance of a single solar luminary. And their number was increasing constantly...
The Gods had never known doubt and believed firmly in Humanity. It was with new confidence that they now began to turn the High Wheel of Eternity.
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#ChaitanyaVijnanam #PrasadBhardwaj #చైతన్యవిజ్ఞానం #BookofDzyan #Theosophy
01 Sep 2020
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